Patricia McNeilly
Welcome to real Twin Flame Work: Twin Flame Body® and Twin Flame Reconnection ® - I have created the techniques and ultimate modality that bring expert healing, spiritual guidance, messages from your Higher Self, & Etheric Twin. We have 20 years of experience in every aspect of the Twin Flame Journey.
We offer spiritual guidance on help that your body needs, in order to heal, and experience Ascension, including what is required to anchor in and support your New Twin Flame Body connections. We know the phases and stages, and which supplements will work, and for how long to take them and easily do this even if you are taking medications. We have specific instructions also for use of Essential Oils, Flower Essences, herbal supplements, and Pressure points to ease your Twin Flame Ascension.
Twin Flame Ascension demands "health", and yet, as you go through various stages, and phases, you may not realize what or how you should truly eat. You truly are sometimes eating for two, balancing for two. Protein demands can be increased, as is the need to be a vegetarian sometimes and a carnivore at other times. This is because everything can now be possible. Allergies alleviated, food sensitivities adjusted due to the New Twin Flame Body connections within and surrounding you, which supports a new lifestyle.
Beyond Yoga! Beyond weight training. Learning the specific movements, which help you Integrate, which means to "draw in and inside" your new connections to 5D, each other, and even further to 6, 7, 8D for some people. Without our specific training, people will not know "how to do the work" for the shared connections to blossom open, and be maintained.
You must be the one to maintain your Light Body, the Twin Flame Body, as there are now
We address the painful, uncomfortable, lingering or chronic conditions that Twin Flame Ascension can put you through. If you have unaddressed ascension symptoms, addictions or chronic conditions, work with us to speed your healing. Without addressing it, it can linger for months or years.
I am a Blue Ray Multidimensional Healer and Reader, I can heal and cut cords at levels that reiki and other healers cannot. I help you address your Twin Flame discomforts, chronic conditions and Ascension Symptoms. I am able to distinguish your ascension symptoms, and medical conditions and guide you in the way that 5D love, alchemy, and the Integration of the New Twin Flame Body® can help you. We have assisted through easing, and diminishing chronic conditions, until they disappear. This does take time- it did not "happen overnight", because it is the result of lifestyle, the "twin flame" and past lives, and that is a lot. I am well versed in physiacl and metalphysical conditions as premedical/biology and an energy healer for over 20 years. I will guide you through my materials and personal Twin Flame Reconnection® Ascension Kits. The reason this is possible is the high level I have achieved as a true Blue Ray Multidimensional Energy Healer. My clients have decreased their reliance upon medications and have learned which supplements, Essential oils and techniques work best to heal them. This creates permanent and lasting change for those people who are on the path of coming together with their Twin Flame.
Certain chronic conditions can now be healed using my modality the Four Zone Healing® via Twin Flame Reconnection method. We heal people using the strength of their Twin Flame Body, the Etheric Body. the Energy of the Spirit and aura, through invisible but tangible areas called chakras, and shared connections called "marma points".
This in turn, creates health and healing. The process of this is also for the person to “integrate” brand new connections, a new level of energy, health, emotional well being and awareness or consciousness.
My Four Zone Healing® Modality takes the next steps for human evolution, and makes it easy. Through small, short three week webinars we guide, heal, teach and achieve success. The results have been phenomenal.
We have helped people address the onsets of chronic illness, through breathwork, proper nutrition guidance, the integration of these new areas so that the systems of the body work in a coordinated manner, like coming "online", to make the person well. A lot of people do not have these resources or know where to turn when they are in a slump.
I want people to understand that being sick, and "in love", it is not always how it should continue to be, and it has helped me, personally, which is why I developed this modality.
While this is not widely known, the ancients taught about the body, and yet we have taken this to a whole new level. This is new, it is successful and we wish to have clients who are visionary people.
Twin Flame Reconnection ®